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People and Officers of Vest Yorvik

Fencing, photo © Bethoc 2009, used by permission

Canton Members

Many Canton members belong to the Google group "Canton of Vest Yorvik". Anyone can join the group email list by sending a blank email to If you wish to view files or photos that have been posted in the group, or view/send emails to individual group members, you must also have a (free) Yahoo groups account. You can sign up or sign in at

Canton Officers

The Canton offices and officers have names from the Middle Ages. The modern (mundane) equivalent is provided in brackets. Voicemail left at phone number 289-643-7636 will be passed to the applicable officer.

Device Office Name Email Address
Seneschal logo Seneschal (local President) Lord Rubeus le Blont (Nathan King) seneschal AT vestyorvik DOT org
Castelain logo Chatelaine (Contact for Newcomers) Lady Violetta DiParma (Nicole Young) chatelaine AT vestyorvik DOT org
Exchequer logo Exchequer (Treasurer) Lady Orlaith Fraiser (Jessica Reid) exchequer AT vestyorvik DOT org
Minister of Arts and Sciences logo Minister of Arts & Sciences Lady Katrina Prebensdottir (Kathryn Morch) AandSMinister AT vestyorvik DOT org
Pursuivant logo Pursuivant (Officer for Heraldic Matters) Lord Iohn Spooner (Darrell LaRue) pursuivant AT vestyorvik DOT org
Archery logo Archery Officer Lady Orlaith Fraiser (Jessica Reid) archery AT vestyorvik DOT org
Web Minister logo Web Minister (Officer for Web Site) Lord Rufus Archer (Daniel Goodland) webminister AT vestyorvik DOT org